Monday, December 14, 2009


The lights go dim. The drumline beats out a rhythmic hum. Then one light flips on. The Patriot logo flashes into view. And the competition of strength and tactic commences.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Just Another Day in Paradise

Every Friday morning from 8:14 to 9:28 is AP Studio Time. We're crazy art kids to begin with. It's early. Then add coffee and doughnuts.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Caballo. Cheval. Horse.

"A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
At least that's how I feel.

Summer Lovin' Happened So Fast...

Some shots from this past summer....Any porfolio worthy?

Tally Ho and Away We Go

The start of the next endeavor...
Coming down the home stretch...

Still working, yeah I know, I'm slow.....but slow usually wins the race ;) The original photo I took....

The focus of the painting is on the shadows cast across the crest of the neck and the light on the Pink coat. Special thanks to Mr. Chris Peddicord and his horse for being the subject of this study.

Monday, October 19, 2009

From the Inside Out

For a homework assignment, we were to browse about some websites displaying the work of artists. The one artist that struck me was Michael Manly and his most recent post about a trip to the Wagner Institute to study their collections of animal skeletons. I found his quick study of the horse to be impressive for being done in only an hour. It also kind of surprised me that a cartoonist/animator would be so involved in such classic styles and studies of art.
This is Manly's sketch above. I thought that this find would help me in some way with my AP concentration with the horse. It reminded me that even though I am prusuing a more intimate view of the horse in my concentration, I must always refer back to the basics to make sure that proportions and structure is as accurate as possible. Because I mean, c'mon, wouldn't a long necked horse look kinda funny? Maybe even like a giraffe?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mission Impossible

Destination: SCAD
Objective: Study of the Figure
Challenge: Live Model

Mission Status: Complete

Third Time's a Charm

I started out with the blue horse, attempting to follow the style of Franz Marc. Didn't quite hit the mark. Too smooth. Too many shades. Too contoured. So, attempt No.2. A little better. Maybe? Still smoother than I wanted. Better with shading. So, when you fail try, try again. Attempt No.3. Even better than before. More geometric and simple. Win!
I noticed as I was working on the three that there is a progression in style. It goes from rough, fast, strokes to a smooth, geometric figure. I'll be honest, it wasn't my original intention at all. Haha. But I just kinda rolled with the flow and it turned into a learning process. It was really difficult for me at first because of my OCD and obession with detail. But hey, what's the harm in trying something new? Hmm?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Equus Caballus. A creature of wonder and awe. You cannot tell me that you would not stop to watch a horse gallop across a field or clear a high fence. Of course you would. You can't resist. For centuries, humans have explored ways to express the beauty, strength, spirit, and soul of the horse. This is where my concentration for AP is headed. I plan to explore the ways the horse's personality can be expressed through painting, drawing, and photography.

Take a Deep Breath

*GASP* Air! I need air! This petite poire was a breath piece I completed at the end of last semester. And yes I do mean small. 8x10 to be exact. I'll admit it, it's adorable.

The Start of Something New

And so begins the start of an adventure. A leap of faith. A plunge into the unknown. AP Studio here I come. Ready or not. Hot or Cold. Good or Bad. Bitter or Sweet. I'm in for the long haul.